Novelli Photography

The Expressive Landscape
In June, 2012 I was fortunate to attend a workshop at Penland School of Crafts in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. The class was lead by Neal Rantoul, a photography professor from Northeastern University in Boston, and his studio assistant Mercedes Jelinek, who is an up-and-coming photographer ; both are instructors of great talent. Together they taught our class about photographing the expressive landscape as well as editing, and printing techniques.
My work started as a general appreciation of form and setting, but quickly focused in on the smaller aspects of areas within landscapes. I became interested in patterns and surfaces which appear to be vast scenes, but in actuality are close up views of objects within landscapes (walls, stumps, rocks etc.). This body of work shows my progression in photographing from further away and then using different lenses and viewpoints to flatten and distort space. It also brought me back to my beginnings in photography, during which time I often photographed the natural world. However, the images are now approached from a different view and with more knowledge and experience.