National Garden Week 2020
From April 27th to May 3rd 2020 the UK is celebrating gardens!
If you're lucky enough to have a garden, now is a great time to be exploring it - no matter the size! There are plenty of things to discover if you look close enough, even if you're growing just a couple plants in containers on a windowsill.
The UK has such an interesting culture surrounding gardening; there are many amazing gardens and historic properties - and it is cheering when communities take pride in their green spaces, regardless of their scale. Grade 1 historic parkland, a town centre park, a local allotment, or your very own little plot of earth all seem to spark passion in their own unique way.
As our home is a rental property, we're really just borrowing the garden from our landlord, and inheriting the horticultural choices of previous tenants, but that in itself is special; a small legacy of people caring for a space.
I'll be the first to tell you that our garden is far from perfect: messy, weedy, mossy, and lumpy. But it is also packed with interesting plant life and insects - forget-me-nots and California lilac, miner bees, lady birds, gold finches, nuthatches, even some frogs! And just when I think I know what plants are popping up where, the following spring something new catches my eye. Of course we make additions here and there, but there is not a lot of room so we care for what's here as best we can. Below are some photos from this week to celebrate our little green space.
For more information on ways you can get started with gardening this May I recommend:
The National Trust (of course!)